Sunday, August 5, 2007

and 3 weeks later......

adi still lives...

just busy... but still living

hows it hanging faithfull readers? heres adi reporting live from melbourne australia. got nothing to write about (lie), i havent done anything exciting lately (more lies) and im just busy with uni work (sad, but its true.. no lies) and other stuffs (again, lies).

so i'll write when im not really busy (like that will ever happen)

but before that, i would like to clarify some things (rumors) that have been going on on the chatterbox.

one rumor says that i cried like a little bitch when i was in the airport.

i would like to say that adi is one tough sonovabitch, and yes, i cried like a little bitch, not because im gonna miss my family and my friends, its only because i know im gonna miss my room...

okay, im kidding i miss my family and all you little bastards..

so there you go...
see yah

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