hows it hanging faithfull readers? heres adi reporting live from melbourne australia. got nothing to write about (lie), i havent done anything exciting lately (more lies) and im just busy with uni work (sad, but its true.. no lies) and other stuffs (again, lies).
so i'll write when im not really busy (like that will ever happen)
but before that, i would like to clarify some things (rumors) that have been going on on the chatterbox.
one rumor says that i cried like a little bitch when i was in the airport.
i would like to say that adi is one tough sonovabitch, and yes, i cried like a little bitch, not because im gonna miss my family and my friends, its only because i know im gonna miss my room...
okay, im kidding i miss my family and all you little bastards..
you see.. when i got back from melbourne a year and a half ago, my pal Ivan asked if we want to go to sea world... and from that moment, everytime we went pass sea world, i keep asking if he will ever organize people to go to seaworld...
and after 1,5 years later.. its sea world baby! we actually went 2 weeks ago, but i just got the pics today.. so..
it was pretty fun, the last time i was there i was in grade 5. we looked at some sharks in a hugeass tank, it was pretty impressive, then we looked at some.. crocodiles? alligators? i think it was some alligators... and Ivan tried to spit into one of em.
we then went to the touching pool, where i touched a sea turtle's head and almost lost a finger, then on to the shark infested touching pool, where atong (roma) tried to lift one shark out of the pool and get ourselves wet..
then on to the tunnel, spent a few minutes there making stupid remarks about the fishes, and i explained to the guys (and girls) how to differentiate between female and male sharks..
we then saw some piranhas (3000 is what the sea world employee said) eat three dead fish in less than 2 minutes.. very impressive, i must get myself around ten thousand piranhas for my evil lair someday.
ah.. here are some pics, im too tired to write
L-R: Tonny, Me, Ivan, Roma, Yudhi, Albert, Yuli, Vero In front of the piranha tank
me, pointing at some shark's vagina
Atong, acting like a retard that he is in front of the shark tank Before.... And after... things can really get so gay in a couple of seconds Proof that we went to sea world Its my turn to look like a retard this time.... Tonny, Ivan and Yudhi, sexually harassing some guy in a dolphin suit The Boys trying to act cool afternoon snack at le bridge.. i love strawberry milkshake
i dunno why i got myself a revy revoltech, i dont even know who she is, the revoltech joints are shit, but i cant stay mad at her.. shes 2 secksi.. just like me...
WARNING:the following post contains spoilers for the movie fantastic four 2, if you do not wish to see any spoilers, i suggest you piss off from this blog right away. thanks for you understanding, you have been warned.
FAN TAS TIC... not....
after risking mine and other people's safety by driving like a maniac, i arrived at the cinema, just to be.. disappointed. riiight... just when i thought x-men 3 sucked so bad, and spidey 3 is so average, and just when i thought that 3 (three) is the bad number for marvel film, i was wrong (again).
turns out the combination of 4 and 2 wont work so well either for marvel. coz fantastic four 2: rise of the silver surfer.. SUCKED... bad... there.. i said it.. okay okay.. for those of you at home asking "who the f*ck does he think he is? saying such bold statement as if he can make a better movie from fantastic four 2!" i can only say "skru u pal!"
okay lets start with the review
Acting okay.. jessica alba, i know youre beautiful and all, and yes, maybe id give an arm for you, maybe... but you got to start acting on serious movies if you wanna have yourself to be appreciated as an actress. you gotta start saying "NO! i dont want to dye my hair blonde, and NO! i do not want myself to be covered in TAN in a CAN! or have my eyebrows to be drawn like an egyptian queen! no! no! NO!"
ioan gruffurd (whats with the name man.. how do you pronounce it anyway? ian? eowan? its like mjolnir all over again) acts like...i dunno.. his acting is so... whats the word im looking for here... stiff.. thats right. for a character that can stretch himself in a gajilion ways.. youre acting all stiff.. show some emotion man, come on.. i know youre supposed to be a dork and all, but come on.. even dorks have emotion.. heck the silver surfer got more emotion than you do and hes a silver nude alien!
chicklis and evans, again, saved the movie by really bringing the best of ben grimm's and jhonny storm's character into life. but i cant help but to think that the thing (no pun intended) looks more like a fat bulky guy instead a huge rocky strong guy, but its good enough
doom? i never see that oz dude from nip/tuck as dr doom... he may have the evil look, but hes more like a "im rich and im powerful, so i can do whatever i like" evil instead of "IM DOOM! KNEEL BEFORE DOOM! RICHARDS? BAH!! DOOM THE GREATEST THERE IS" evil... you know what im saying?
silver frickin surfer... one of the savior of the movie.. he is portrayed as i imagined he should be if theres a movie about him.. the effects are good.. no, make that awesome... almost orgasmic... but the voice can be improved. i somehow cant shake the image of laurence fishburne as morpheus's voice when the silver surver is talking.
that general guy...hager or something... youre not samuel l jackson, youre nowhere near samuel l jackson, youre not even samuel l jackson under study, no you are not even close to a samuel l jackson's wannabee.. SO STOP ACTING LIKE ONE! good thing he died tho...
and is it just me or the girl portraying capt. raye would really make a great cammy from street fighter?.. maybe im just obsessed with cammy...
the story im not gonna tell you all of the story, (go see the movie you cheap bastard), so im just gonna write the outline.
sue and reed are getting married, silver surfer came to earth, silver surfer creates anomalies on earth, the army need reed's help, reed investigates anomalies, wedding ruined, chase scene, jhonny goes into a funk after fighting silver surfer, doom got back to life, doom persuades silver surfer, surfer ignores doom, doom got hit by surfer, army ask for doom's help, surfer captured, doom steals surfer's board, doom goes crazy, galactus is coming, fantastic four helps surfer, fight scene, chase scene, surfer goes kaboom, the world safe, reed and sue got married in japan.
is it just me or it looks like the surfer just got raped? look where all those cosmic energies are gathering man!
there you go.. wait.. "that would be just a spoiler without any of your comments or opinion" you say? fine fine.. what i hate about the story is.. its nothing new... doom stole surfer's board in the comics once (or maybe twice, i dont know), i dont like the script, they stole a couple of lines from ultimate extinction, i dont like the chase scene involving doom and the fantasticar, i dont like the idea of jhonny being the super-skrull powered member of the fantastic four.
dear scriptwriter: stop using lines from comic books for movies
I DEMAND MY GALACTUS! i expect to see galactus being brought to life in this movie and what did i get? nothing but space dust that goes kaboom.. you would be surprised how happy id be when i see a gigantic man wearing blue and purple outfit with a silly hat... but no... they had to show us nothing but the shadow of galactus's head and space dust.. dust.. have a bit of dust!
do not laugh at his outfit, especially his hat, he loves the hat dust. see big difference here?
earlier, my friend tonny heard me bitching about the movie not showing any galactus, but dust. then he asked me "what does galactus looks like in the comics?" "hes a giant with purple and blue outfit i say" then he asked me again "how big is he?", and i said "ill show you on my blog"
so.. heres a picture to show you how big galactus is ... just kidding, hes actually this big:
im huge and secksi!
Overall, well, its a marvel movie, which means its always fun to watch, but people like me who take their comic books seriously should really avoid this movie...
in a scale of one to ten, id give the fantastic four 2 : rise of the silver surfer..
how many members are there in the fantastic four? thats right, FOUR
Yeah, i decided to try and make a review of a game for the first time in my life (lie). and theres no game that i'd rather review than blue dragon at the moment.
basic info about blue dragon:
Its a turn based RPG game for xbox360.
I am currently playing the asian version, which means its in Japanese, with english options and subtitle.
Designed by the great Hironobu Sakaguchi (designed almost all the greatest RPG games ever made)
Character designed by the great AkiraToriyama (dragon ball, dr. slump, dragon quest series)
Have i mentioned that its on xbox 360? which means i can play it with wireless controller.
okay, now that youve got the basics, lets start the review.
i got the game from my cousin, i dont know whats gotten into him, but he bought me the game. so i pick it up personally from his house, got home and just put it on my 360.. and i was just lost.
the story revolves around a group of kids, Shu, Jiro and Kulke. Who are living in a small village, where the village got attacked by a giant sand shark annually. so the kids decided to take matters into their own hands and tried to kill the shark. After failing, they found themselves captured by a flying fortress where an evil.. err... creepy old guy named Nene is actually responsible for the attacks on their village. when nene is asked why he attacks the village, he simply answered "because i like to hear the screams" (badguy hardcore to the max!). the kids got thrown overboard just to be mysteriously picked up by a sound that orders them to swallow a light sphere (dont try this at home kids!) and after doing so, the kids acquires magic powers that makes their shadows transform into mystical creatures. so theyre off to fight Nene, and the adventure begins... Grade: A
Marumaro, Zola,Kluke,Shu, and Jiro
for all you gamers out there, remember what it feels when you first tried final fantasy VII? where in the first 5 minutes of game, you cant help yourself not to be amazed by it? the same feeling happened to me with final fantasy IX, and X. and now blue dragon gave me that feeling again, and i cant stop thinking "this is it people, this is the game that theyre gonna set as the pinnacle of new generation of RPG"
The game is just basically a turn based RPG (the best kind of RPG imho). its the way that RPGs are meant to be played. the way you walk around the world of blue dragon is basically the same with wild arms series (since wild arms 2) where you can freely walk around and rotate the camera around you.
The battle system is very similar with final fantasy X, but in blue dragon, theres a timeline of actions, which enables you to set when you want the attack to be executed by holding the A button and releasing it at the specific point in the timeline.
seriously, that monster is called poo snake
The enemy encounter is almost like lunar series, where you can see the monsters walking around the map and you have to hit them (or they hit you) to start the battle, but it doesnt apply to bosses and specific battles. There are several ways to start the battle, you can sneak up on the enemy from behind, and you'll get a battle where you start first without the enemy even knowing the battle have already started.
One of the thing that amazes me (and annoys me at the same time) is the number of items you can check to see whats inside them. in a single room you can check almost any object that are available in the room. if theres a table in there, you can check the table and get items (or experience), if theres a potted plant in the corner, you can check it, if theres a shelf, you can look whats inside it, if theres a picture on the wall, you can check it, yeah, you get the idea.. it may be awesome at first, but imagine looking for items in every object lying in a town, or a dungeon. my A button sure took a beating for this game. Grade: Adventure: B+ Battle: A+
Welcome to next-gen RPG. where you cant really tell the difference between the gameplay graphic and the in game videos. where you wish you have a replay button for every FMV. where you basically walk around looking for monsters to fight just because its really cool to see the battle. the world, map, dungeon, and town design are rendered with such details and beauty, and i think its safe to say that Akira Toriyama is still the KING! nuff said.. Grade: A+
In game graphic of a village
Shu and Marumaro in FMV
Its Nobuo Uematsu for f's sake! how can it suck? the dude made music for final fantasy a total genius if you ask me, he never failed to deliver the goods and he doesnt have any intention to start! and yeah, the boss battle music is by some rock/metal song that somehow reminds me of dragonforce. the japanese voice acting is very very good, its like watching a good anime, and the voice actor for marumaro is the same guy who does the voice of tamama in keroro gunso. Grade: B
OVERALL In overall, this is one great game, if you got yourself an xbox360, make sure that you get this game, i know the US version is not available on market yet, so go ahead and pre-order it. if you dont have an xbox360, go get it, its really worth it if youre an RPG fan.
Damnit! i am wasting valuable time to play blue dragon by just writing this review... im starting to regret this. if you found my review is not convincing enough for you, go look at the video provided below.
on a scale of 1 to 10.. i give this game a modest 12... thats right... 12.. twelve... this game rocks so hard.
and as parting words i shall say " I GUARANDAMNTEE THAT THERE WILL BE SEQUELS!"
yeah.. here we are in adi's new blog (yes.. adi, no longer adit)
as you can see this blog is nowhere near finished, all ive done so far is the header... so feel free to give any comments on the design, tell me what you like and dont like.
and if you want your blog to be added in my link list, just gimme a hit (not literally) and i'll add it up
thats all for right now.. gotta jump back to the 360
Adi speaks 3 languages:
1. Indonesian
2. English
3. Sarcasm.
Adi is HUGE, knows kung-fu, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Jujitsu, and all sorts of violent shit, so dont mess with him.
Adi believes in karma, do good things and good things happens to you. Do bad things and ADI will happen to you.
Adi is a ladies man, but he is picky...
Adi is a man of his words, and his words are the law.
Adi is Smart and Intellectual
Adi is KING