Monday, June 11, 2007

1st weekly adi monday blues

this is what adi does on mondaysbloody mondays...

Bonus pic:
my optimus prime is so secksi!
Disco is not dead... in the 60s...


chaos_beowulf said...

Optimus Prime with Gryffin (was it? can't really remember....) from Patlabor? Niceeee...... Reminded me on my Optimus Prime on 1990......

Adi said...

congratz eric! youre the first one who'll be spared from KNIFE TO DA EYE!

its griffon from patlabor, both of em are revoltech figures

yuck said...

looks liek griffon is trying to suck optimus' cock.... and wheres megatron, i need u get those 2 before the movie hit the theaters, so i can join the kool kids klub....

ロスト said...

yesh... I'm not the only one thinking YAOI XD haha...

